Pick a Pumpkin
Pumpkin Dress-Up
Ghost Busters
Math Facts
Pumpkin Story
Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater
Build a Scarecrow
Spooky Sequences
Zoe's Games
Halloween Dress Up
Addition & Time
Cat in the Hat
Dry Bones
Dot to Dot Game
Tic Tac Toe
Puzzle & Story
Stellaluna | Storyline Online
Create a Tale
Search the Night Sky
OnLine Pumpkin Carving
Max's Math: The Tooth
Garfield's Scary Scavenger
Hidden Pictures
Typing Monster
Describe the Castle
Halloween Treats for K-2
1 Follower(s)
Last update: October 3rd, 2019
Nothing scary here! Only Halloween activities to help develop computer skills and critical thinking.
User Webmixes (5)
Wonderful Winter Sites
K 2 Computer Lab fun
Wow! Look at Symbaloo!!!
Geek Week Presentation for June, 2013. Showing teachers how to use this tool to organize and share links. Symbaloo is too much fun to miss! This site just keeps on getting better!
Halloween Treats for K-2
Nothing scary here! Only Halloween activities to help develop computer skills and critical thinking.